Last week I attended a workshop on language design. I made the off-the-cuff remark that types are actually anti-modular, and that comment resonated enough that I decided to tweet it. This prompted some questions, tweets being a less than perfect format for elaborate explanation of ideas (tweets are anti-communicative?). And so, I decided to expand on this in a blog post.
Saying that types are anti-modular doesn’t mean that types are bad (though it certainly isn’t a good thing). Types have pros and cons, and this is one of the cons. Anyway, I should explain what I mean and how I justify it.
The specific point I was discussing when I made this comment was the distinction between separate compilation and independent compilation. Separate compilation allows you to compile parts of a program separately from other parts. I would say it was a necessary, but not sufficient, requirement for modularity.
In a typed language, you will find that the compiler needs some information about the types your compilation unit is using. Typically, some of these types originate outside the compilation unit. Even if your program is just: print(“Hello World”), one may need to know that string literals have a type String, and that the argument type of print is String. The definition of String comes from outside the compilation unit. This is a trivial example, because it is common for String to be part of the language definition. However, substantial programs will tend to involve user-defined types at the boundaries of compilation units (or of module declarations,which may or may not be the same thing).
A consequence of the above is that you need some extra information to actually compile. This could come in the form of interface/signature declaration(s) for any type(s) not defined within your compilation unit/module, or as binary file(s) representing the compiled representation of the code where the type(s) originated. Java class files are an example of the latter.
Whatever the form of the aforementioned type information, you depend on it to compile your code - you cannot compile without it. In some languages, this introduces ordering dependencies among compilation units. For example, if you have a Java package P1 that depends on another package P2, you cannot compile P1 before compiling P2. You either compile them simultaneously (giving up on even separate compilation) or you must compile P2 first so you have class files for it around. The situation is better if the language supports separate signature declarations (like Modula-3 or ML) - but you still have to have these around before you compile.
Semi-tangent: Of course, you can fake signature declarations by dummy package declarations. Java chose to avoid the conceptual overhead of separate signature declarations, on the assumption that pragmatically, one could get by without them.
Contrast this with independent compilation, where you compile your module/compilation-unit independently of anything else. The code that describes the values (and types) that your module requires may not even exist yet. Obviously, independent compilation is more modular than separate compilation. How do you achieve this in the presence of types? The short answer is you don’t.
Wait: we are blessed, and live in a world where the gods have bestowed upon us such gifts as type inference. What if I don’t have to write my types at all, and have the compiler just figure out what types I need? The problem is that inference only works well within a module (if that). If you rely on inference at module boundaries, your module leaks implementation information. Why? Because if you infer types from your implementation, those types may vary when you modify your implementation. That is why, even in ML, signatures are declared explicitly.
Wait, wait: Surely optional types avoid this problem? Not exactly. With an optional type system you can compile independently - but you cannot typecheck independently. Indeed, this is the point: there is no such thing as modular typechecking. If you want typechecking across modules, you need to use some of the same types in across modules. You can either replicate the types or place them in some specific module(s). The former clearly isn’t very modular. The latter makes some modules dependent on declarations defined elsewhere which means they cannot be typechecked independently. In the common case where types are mandatory, modules can not be compiled independently.
Now, there is an argument to be made that modules have dependencies regardless, and that we cannot reason about them without being aware of these dependencies. Ergo, the types do not make change things fundamentally. All true. Even in dynamic language we have some notion of type or signature in our head. Formalizing that notion can be helpful in some ways, but it has downsides. One such downside is that formalizing the types reduces our ability to manage things in a perfectly modular way. You cannot typecheck modules in isolation (except in trivial cases) because types capture cross-module knowledge.
One often hears the claim that types are in fact valuable (or even essential) to modularity because they can describe the interface(s) between modules. There lies the problem: the type cannot serve this purpose unless it is available in more than one module. Types are inherently non-local - they describe data that flows across module boundaries. The absence of types won’t buy you modularity on its own though. Far from it. But types and typechecking act as an inhibitor - a countervailing force to modularity.
A place to be (re)educated in Newspeak
Sunday, June 05, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
The Truthiness Is Out There
For the past 5 years or so, I (like many others) have argued that Javascript is the assembly language of the internet platform. Over this period, some of the obstacles that limit the applicability of said platform have been slowly pushed aside. Things like client side storage, or decent performance.
However, Javascript remains a seriously limited language for platform implementation. Here are some of the problems.
Concurrency primitives. There aren’t any. Now I really should be thankful for that, as the last thing I want is another shared-state concurrency threading model a la Java. And yet, ingrate that I am, I remain dissatisfied. Yes, I can write my own scheduler to provide pseudo-concurrency, but there are no primitives that let me find out how much true concurrency is available and to let me use it. Nor is there any efficient way for me to preempt an activity.
This lack of appropriate primitives for platform construction is a recurring theme. Take serialization for example. If I need to write a serializer that can incrementally store and retrieve arbitrary objects (say, because I want to implement orthogonal persistence) , I hit difficulties with things like closures. A closure in Javascript is a black box. This makes sense most of the time - but not for the system designer. One wants mechanisms that permit manipulation of the structure of all program elements - closures, prototypes, what have you.
Of course, the challenge is to do this while preserving security. Not everyone should be able to do this - but a program should be able to do it on its own objects, for example.
Another, somewhat related, problem area is stack manipulation. I want to implement an efficient debugger with fix-and-continue debugging for example. Or resumable exceptions.
Weak pointers are another problem. For example, Newspeak mixins need to track all their invocations, so that when a mixin definition is modified, all classes derived from can be updated. You’d like to use a weak collection of these mixin invocations for that purpose.
I’ve never been happy with the approach that says that the only true encapsulation mechanism in the language is closures. I find that very low level. I want objects that can hide their internals directly (private members) - and of course, I want a mechanism to get around that in some ways, so I can program the system in itself (and write things like serialization).
I miss doesNotUnderstand:, which I can emulate by going through certain hoops. There is work going on to alleviate this with proxys but I don’t see them doing what I really want. I can however, use them to implement a mechanism that does.
All of this may be too much to ask of a language where false can sometimes be interpreted as true, and where equality is non-transitive. But it isn’t too much to ask for the backbone of internet programming.
Tangent: the occasional truthiness of false is a case study in the pitfalls of language design. It stems from the interaction of two bad decisions. First, we have the implicit coercion of any type to a boolean - a nasty C legacy. Then we have primitive types, which leads to (non-transparent) autoboxing. Since any object is truthy, and autoboxing false creates an object, you can end up with an automatic, hidden conversion that interprets false as true.
I know that there is a lot of ongoing work to resolve this on the ECMAScript standards committee, whose members seem well aware of many of these issues. The timeline for addressing these problems is however, rather depressing. Between the time it takes to revise a standard, and the time it takes for it to be implemented and widely adopted (so you can actually rely on it) we may see these things fixed by the early 2020s (I kid you not).
Will that make Javascript a language a human should program in? I doubt it, but that shouldn’t be the goal. The goal should be to provide a foundation that will help in building more attractive languages on top of Javascript and the browser.
In this vein, work continues on Newspeak for the browser. We have a pretty solid Newspeak-to-Javascript compiler, though we still need to improve performance and add key platform functionality. At some point, I hope we can release this.
The vision for the Ministry of Truthiness goes beyond just a compiler of course - we want Hopscotch as well of course. Calling the DOM API from Newspeak is possible of course, but not really attractive. We also want the IDE in the browser as well. At least as much of it as possible - debugging might require using a browser extension or something due to the difficulties cited above.
Doing all this on top of Javascript has proven tedious and frustrating, and I hope things improve more quickly in the future; but we will get there in time.
However, Javascript remains a seriously limited language for platform implementation. Here are some of the problems.
Concurrency primitives. There aren’t any. Now I really should be thankful for that, as the last thing I want is another shared-state concurrency threading model a la Java. And yet, ingrate that I am, I remain dissatisfied. Yes, I can write my own scheduler to provide pseudo-concurrency, but there are no primitives that let me find out how much true concurrency is available and to let me use it. Nor is there any efficient way for me to preempt an activity.
This lack of appropriate primitives for platform construction is a recurring theme. Take serialization for example. If I need to write a serializer that can incrementally store and retrieve arbitrary objects (say, because I want to implement orthogonal persistence) , I hit difficulties with things like closures. A closure in Javascript is a black box. This makes sense most of the time - but not for the system designer. One wants mechanisms that permit manipulation of the structure of all program elements - closures, prototypes, what have you.
Of course, the challenge is to do this while preserving security. Not everyone should be able to do this - but a program should be able to do it on its own objects, for example.
Another, somewhat related, problem area is stack manipulation. I want to implement an efficient debugger with fix-and-continue debugging for example. Or resumable exceptions.
Weak pointers are another problem. For example, Newspeak mixins need to track all their invocations, so that when a mixin definition is modified, all classes derived from can be updated. You’d like to use a weak collection of these mixin invocations for that purpose.
I’ve never been happy with the approach that says that the only true encapsulation mechanism in the language is closures. I find that very low level. I want objects that can hide their internals directly (private members) - and of course, I want a mechanism to get around that in some ways, so I can program the system in itself (and write things like serialization).
I miss doesNotUnderstand:, which I can emulate by going through certain hoops. There is work going on to alleviate this with proxys but I don’t see them doing what I really want. I can however, use them to implement a mechanism that does.
All of this may be too much to ask of a language where false can sometimes be interpreted as true, and where equality is non-transitive. But it isn’t too much to ask for the backbone of internet programming.
Tangent: the occasional truthiness of false is a case study in the pitfalls of language design. It stems from the interaction of two bad decisions. First, we have the implicit coercion of any type to a boolean - a nasty C legacy. Then we have primitive types, which leads to (non-transparent) autoboxing. Since any object is truthy, and autoboxing false creates an object, you can end up with an automatic, hidden conversion that interprets false as true.
I know that there is a lot of ongoing work to resolve this on the ECMAScript standards committee, whose members seem well aware of many of these issues. The timeline for addressing these problems is however, rather depressing. Between the time it takes to revise a standard, and the time it takes for it to be implemented and widely adopted (so you can actually rely on it) we may see these things fixed by the early 2020s (I kid you not).
Will that make Javascript a language a human should program in? I doubt it, but that shouldn’t be the goal. The goal should be to provide a foundation that will help in building more attractive languages on top of Javascript and the browser.
In this vein, work continues on Newspeak for the browser. We have a pretty solid Newspeak-to-Javascript compiler, though we still need to improve performance and add key platform functionality. At some point, I hope we can release this.
The vision for the Ministry of Truthiness goes beyond just a compiler of course - we want Hopscotch as well of course. Calling the DOM API from Newspeak is possible of course, but not really attractive. We also want the IDE in the browser as well. At least as much of it as possible - debugging might require using a browser extension or something due to the difficulties cited above.
Doing all this on top of Javascript has proven tedious and frustrating, and I hope things improve more quickly in the future; but we will get there in time.
Monday, February 28, 2011
The Ministry of Nesting & Testing
Unit testing was introduced to the OO world by Kent Beck, in his seminal work on SUnit, the Smalltalk unit testing framework. Other languages have introduced their own unit testing frameworks following SUnit’s lead.
Tangent: Unit testing was part of the overall introduction of extreme programming/agile development, which is just one of the major trends Smalltalk has brought to the world. Along with refactoring (which we all know can’t be done without static types, which is why it was invented in a dynamically typed language), IDEs, reflective OO APIs, GUI builders, pop-up menus and bitmapped GUIs in general. Smalltalk is the veritable Prometheus of OO, and its destiny seems not dissimilar.
Newspeak started out with an adaptation of SUnit, NSUnit, which is what you’ll find in the public release. It has a rather nice Hopscotch based GUI integrated into the IDE, but we always felt we could improve upon it.
Minitest is our revised unit testing framework, which we’ve been using since, oh, mid-2010 or so. Minitest takes the opportunity to rationalize the way we structure unit tests and takes advantage of Newspeak’s support for nesting to make things simpler and easier to use.
Minitest was designed by Vassili Bykov, and the examples below are shamelessly lifted from the superb documentation Vassili wrote for the Minitest class.
In Minitest, you define a testing module, that is designed to test a particular interface (not a particular implementation). To run tests, one needs to feed the testing module with the particular implementation(s) that one wishes to test. A test configuration module does just that. Newspeak naturally enforces this separation of interface and implementation.
The testing module class’s factory typically takes three arguments: the Newspeak platform, the testing framework (a Minitest instance) and a factory for the object under test.
The example shows a hypothetical (and rather simplistic) module definition for testing lists. I’m sure all readers of this blog are fluent in Newspeak, but just in case, the module definition has a factory method that takes the 3 parameters mentioned above: platform (the Newspeak platform, from which all kinds of generally useful libraries might be obtained), minitest (an instance of Minitest, naturally) and listClass, a factory that will produce lists for us to test.
Nested inside the testing module is a test context (aka test fixture) class ListTests, inside of which you write your tests. Test methods are identified by the convention that their names begin with test. Each test will be executed in a test context; that is, for each test method being run, Minitest will instantiate a fresh ListTests object. That is why ListTests is called a test context - it provides a context for a single test.
It is common to define test context classes like ListTests as subclasses of the class TestContext defined by the Minitest framework, but that is not essential. TestContext provides useful methods like deny:, so it is convenient to use it. However, what identifies ListTests as a test context is the marker class method TEST_CONTEXT.
Minitest will do its work by examining the nested classes of the test module and seeing which are test contexts (that is, which have a class method named TEST_CONTEXT). For each test context tc, Minitest will list all its test methods (the ones with names beginning with test) and for each of those, it will instantiate tc and call the selected method on it, gathering data on success or failure.
Minitest does away with concepts like TestResource. that are typically used to hold data for tests.
In the simple case above, the data for the test gets created by the instance initializer of ListTests . However, what if the data for the test needs to be shared among multiple tests (say, because it is expensive to create)?
As an example, suppose we want to test a compiler, and setting up the compiler is relatively costly.
Minitest leverages Newspeak’s nested structure in these cases. A test context (StatementTests above) does not have to be a direct nested class of the test module. Instead, we can nest it more deeply inside another nested class (CompilerHolder). That nested class will serve to hold any state that we want to share among multiple tests - in our case, an instance of the compiler, which it will create and store as part of its initialization.
As you can see there is no need for a special setUp method or a test resource class. Newspeak’s nesting structure and built-in instance initializers take care of all that. If the shared resource is just an object in memory, then it will also be disposed of via garbage collection after the test is run. Of course, some resources cannot be just garbage collected. In that case, one should define a method named cleanUp in the test context class.
As mentioned in the beginning of the post, we need a test configuration to run the tests, as the test module definition is always parametric with respect to any implementation that we would actually test.
A test configuration module is defined by a top level class with the factory method
packageTestsUsing: ideNamespace
The factory takes a namespace object that should provide access to the testing module declaration and to any concrete classes or objects we want to test. This arrangement is very similar to how we package applications from within the IDE.
The method testModulesUsingPlatform:minitest: must be provided by the configuration. It will be called by Minitest to produce a set of testing modules, each of which will be processed by the framework as outlined above (i.e., searched for test contexts to be run). In the example, only one test module is returned, but if we wanted to process multiple List implementations (say ArrayList as well as LinkedList) we could write:
The IDE recognizes test configurations based on the name of the factory method - that is, a class with a class method packageTestsUsing: is considered a test configuration, and the IDE will provide a run tests link in the (upper right hand corner) class browser in that case, as shown in the screenshot below (click on it to enlarge).

Clicking on the link will call the packageTestsUsing: method on the class with an argument representing the IDE’s namespace, and feed the results into Minitest.

This is all you need to know to use Minitest. Actually, it’s considerably more than what you need to know, as I’ve also explained how a bit about how the framework goes about its business.
It is worth noting how Minitest cleanly breaks down the multiple roles an SUnit TestCase has. The definition of a set of tests is done by a test context. The actual configuration is done a test configuration. And the actual command to run a specific test (the thing that should be called TestCase) is not the user’s concern anymore - the test framework handles it but need not expose it. In SUnit these three roles are conjoined. Perhaps this is why I never really felt comfortable with SUnit.
Likewise, no need to worry over test resources and special set up methods. The net result is a framework that is very easy to use and simple to understand.
It’s intriguing to note that one could actually structure a Java unit testing framework this way; we rely on introspection, interfaces and nested (inner) classes. However, it is not natural to do so in Java. Nested classes in Java are usually (and often rightly) regarded a trap to be avoided. A design like Minitest is much more likely to crop up in a setting where nesting is idiomatic, like Newspeak. Language influences thought - or lack of thought, as the case may be.
Tangent: Unit testing was part of the overall introduction of extreme programming/agile development, which is just one of the major trends Smalltalk has brought to the world. Along with refactoring (which we all know can’t be done without static types, which is why it was invented in a dynamically typed language), IDEs, reflective OO APIs, GUI builders, pop-up menus and bitmapped GUIs in general. Smalltalk is the veritable Prometheus of OO, and its destiny seems not dissimilar.
Newspeak started out with an adaptation of SUnit, NSUnit, which is what you’ll find in the public release. It has a rather nice Hopscotch based GUI integrated into the IDE, but we always felt we could improve upon it.
Minitest is our revised unit testing framework, which we’ve been using since, oh, mid-2010 or so. Minitest takes the opportunity to rationalize the way we structure unit tests and takes advantage of Newspeak’s support for nesting to make things simpler and easier to use.
Minitest was designed by Vassili Bykov, and the examples below are shamelessly lifted from the superb documentation Vassili wrote for the Minitest class.
In Minitest, you define a testing module, that is designed to test a particular interface (not a particular implementation). To run tests, one needs to feed the testing module with the particular implementation(s) that one wishes to test. A test configuration module does just that. Newspeak naturally enforces this separation of interface and implementation.
The testing module class’s factory typically takes three arguments: the Newspeak platform, the testing framework (a Minitest instance) and a factory for the object under test.
class ListTesting usingPlatform: platform minitest: minitest listClass: listClass = (
private TestContext = minitest TestContext.
private List = listClass.
class ListTests = TestContext (
| list = List new. |
) (
testAddition = (
list add: 1.
assert: (list includes: 1)
testRemoval = (
list add: 1; remove: 1.
deny: (list includes: 1)
) : ( TEST_CONTEXT = () )
The example shows a hypothetical (and rather simplistic) module definition for testing lists. I’m sure all readers of this blog are fluent in Newspeak, but just in case, the module definition has a factory method that takes the 3 parameters mentioned above: platform (the Newspeak platform, from which all kinds of generally useful libraries might be obtained), minitest (an instance of Minitest, naturally) and listClass, a factory that will produce lists for us to test.
Nested inside the testing module is a test context (aka test fixture) class ListTests, inside of which you write your tests. Test methods are identified by the convention that their names begin with test. Each test will be executed in a test context; that is, for each test method being run, Minitest will instantiate a fresh ListTests object. That is why ListTests is called a test context - it provides a context for a single test.
It is common to define test context classes like ListTests as subclasses of the class TestContext defined by the Minitest framework, but that is not essential. TestContext provides useful methods like deny:, so it is convenient to use it. However, what identifies ListTests as a test context is the marker class method TEST_CONTEXT.
Minitest will do its work by examining the nested classes of the test module and seeing which are test contexts (that is, which have a class method named TEST_CONTEXT). For each test context tc, Minitest will list all its test methods (the ones with names beginning with test) and for each of those, it will instantiate tc and call the selected method on it, gathering data on success or failure.
Minitest does away with concepts like TestResource. that are typically used to hold data for tests.
In the simple case above, the data for the test gets created by the instance initializer of ListTests . However, what if the data for the test needs to be shared among multiple tests (say, because it is expensive to create)?
As an example, suppose we want to test a compiler, and setting up the compiler is relatively costly.
class CompilerTesting usingPlatform: platform
minitest: minitest
compilerClass: compilerClass = (
| Compiler = compilerClass. | )
class CompilerHolder = (
| compiler = Compiler configuredInAParticularWay. |
class StatementsTests ( ...) (....): ( TEST_CONTEXT = ())
Minitest leverages Newspeak’s nested structure in these cases. A test context (StatementTests above) does not have to be a direct nested class of the test module. Instead, we can nest it more deeply inside another nested class (CompilerHolder). That nested class will serve to hold any state that we want to share among multiple tests - in our case, an instance of the compiler, which it will create and store as part of its initialization.
As you can see there is no need for a special setUp method or a test resource class. Newspeak’s nesting structure and built-in instance initializers take care of all that. If the shared resource is just an object in memory, then it will also be disposed of via garbage collection after the test is run. Of course, some resources cannot be just garbage collected. In that case, one should define a method named cleanUp in the test context class.
As mentioned in the beginning of the post, we need a test configuration to run the tests, as the test module definition is always parametric with respect to any implementation that we would actually test.
A test configuration module is defined by a top level class with the factory method
packageTestsUsing: ideNamespace
The factory takes a namespace object that should provide access to the testing module declaration and to any concrete classes or objects we want to test. This arrangement is very similar to how we package applications from within the IDE.
class ListTestingConfiguration packageTestsUsing: ideNamespace = (
private ListTesting = ideNamespace ListTesting.
private Collections = ideNamespace Collections.
| )( ‘required’
testModulesUsingPlatform: platform minitest: minitest = (
^{ ListTesting usingPlatform: platform
minitest: minitest
listClass: (Collections usingPlatform: platform) LinkedList.
The method testModulesUsingPlatform:minitest: must be provided by the configuration. It will be called by Minitest to produce a set of testing modules, each of which will be processed by the framework as outlined above (i.e., searched for test contexts to be run). In the example, only one test module is returned, but if we wanted to process multiple List implementations (say ArrayList as well as LinkedList) we could write:
class ListTestingConfiguration packageTestsUsing: ideNamespace = (
private ListTesting = ideNamespace ListTesting.
private Collections = ideNamespace Collections.
| )( ‘required’
testModulesUsingPlatform: platform minitest: minitest = (
| collections = Collections using: platform. |
^{ ListTesting usingPlatform: platform
minitest: minitest
listClass: collections LinkedList.
ListTesting usingPlatform: platform
minitest: minitest
listClass: collections ArrayList.
The IDE recognizes test configurations based on the name of the factory method - that is, a class with a class method packageTestsUsing: is considered a test configuration, and the IDE will provide a run tests link in the (upper right hand corner) class browser in that case, as shown in the screenshot below (click on it to enlarge).

Clicking on the link will call the packageTestsUsing: method on the class with an argument representing the IDE’s namespace, and feed the results into Minitest.

This is all you need to know to use Minitest. Actually, it’s considerably more than what you need to know, as I’ve also explained how a bit about how the framework goes about its business.
It is worth noting how Minitest cleanly breaks down the multiple roles an SUnit TestCase has. The definition of a set of tests is done by a test context. The actual configuration is done a test configuration. And the actual command to run a specific test (the thing that should be called TestCase) is not the user’s concern anymore - the test framework handles it but need not expose it. In SUnit these three roles are conjoined. Perhaps this is why I never really felt comfortable with SUnit.
Likewise, no need to worry over test resources and special set up methods. The net result is a framework that is very easy to use and simple to understand.
It’s intriguing to note that one could actually structure a Java unit testing framework this way; we rely on introspection, interfaces and nested (inner) classes. However, it is not natural to do so in Java. Nested classes in Java are usually (and often rightly) regarded a trap to be avoided. A design like Minitest is much more likely to crop up in a setting where nesting is idiomatic, like Newspeak. Language influences thought - or lack of thought, as the case may be.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Maybe Monads Might Not Matter
This post isn’t really about the Maybe Monad of course. It is more focused on the State Monad, but I have a weakness for alliteration.
What do
space suits
nuclear waste containers
romantic conquests
have in common? They’ve all been used as metaphors for monads.
Last time I looked, the Haskell wiki listed 29 tutorials on the subject, and that is where all these allusions come from.
Such a wealth of explanatory fauna demands its own (meta-)explanation. Maybe monads are so wildly popular that there is monadic gold rush to cash in on the monad education and training market. And yet, the long-awaited landmark tome, “Category Theory for Dummies in 21 days and 1001 nights” is nowhere to be found.
Tangent: There is of course, Benjamin Pierce's delightfully slim book on the topic which is as close to a gentle introduction as one can come.
Could it just be that people just have a hard time understanding monads? If so, what are the prospects of mass adoption? Or making Just(something) out of Nothing am I?
By now you realize that if monads were a stock, I’d be shorting it. I’m going to go get myself in a huge amount of trouble now, just as I did when I took a hideously pragmatic tack on continuations some years ago.
The most important practical contribution of monads in programming is, I believe, the fact that they provide a mechanism to interface pure functional programming to the impure dysfunctional world.
The thing is, you don’t really need them for that. Just use actors. Purely functional actors can interact with the stateful world, and this has been known since before Haskell was even conceived.
Tangent: Before you crucify me for being so narrow minded, pray consider the mitigating circumstance that I have used the words "practical" and "pure functional programming" in the same sentence. There are many who regard that, rather than my disrespectful attitude toward monads, as grounds for my institutionalization.
Some kind soul will doubtless point out to me how you can view actors as monads or some such. Be that as it may, it is beside the point. You can invent, build and most importantly, use, actors without ever mentioning monads. Carl Hewitt and his students did that decades ago.
Tangent: I have to say how amazing that is. Actors were first conceived by Hewitt in 1973(!), and Gul Agha's thesis has been around for 25 years. I firmly believe actors are the best answer to our concurrency problems, but that is for another post.
You can write an actor in a purely functional language, and have it send messages to file systems, databases or any other other stateful actor. Because the messages are sent asynchronously, you never see the answer in the same activation (aka turn) of the actor, so the fact that these actors are stateful and may give different answers to the same question at different times does not stain your precious snow white referential transparency with its vulgar impurity. This is pretty much what you do with a monad as well - you bury the stateful filth in a well marked shallow grave and whistle past it.
Of course, your troubles are by no means over. Actors or monads, the state is out there and you will have to reason about it somewhere. But better you reason about it in a well bounded shallow grave than in C.
What is important to me is that the notion of actors is intuitive (a pesky property of Dijkstra’s hated anthropomorphisms, like self) for many people. Yes, there are many varieties of actors and I have my preferences - but I’ll take any one of them over a sheaf of categories.
Speaking of those preferences, look at the E programming language (I often point at Mark Miller’s PhD thesis) or on AmbientTalk. I would like to have something similar in Newspeak (and in its hypothetical functional subsets, Avarice and Sloth).
Of course, there is much to be said for a programming culture that excludes anyone without at least the potential of a PhD. Indeed, if you can surround yourself with such people, you can do amazing things with just Java, C++ and Python (though they will still be more productive if they have the good taste to use something nicer). So perhaps the true value of monads lies in their exclusionary nature.
Nevertheless, there is more work to be done than some small, celebrated priesthood can or will do all by itself. There is real value in functional programming in some contexts, and it needs to integrate with stateful programming. Actors provide a model that is much easier for most humans to relate to.
What do
space suits
nuclear waste containers
romantic conquests
have in common? They’ve all been used as metaphors for monads.
Last time I looked, the Haskell wiki listed 29 tutorials on the subject, and that is where all these allusions come from.
Such a wealth of explanatory fauna demands its own (meta-)explanation. Maybe monads are so wildly popular that there is monadic gold rush to cash in on the monad education and training market. And yet, the long-awaited landmark tome, “Category Theory for Dummies in 21 days and 1001 nights” is nowhere to be found.
Tangent: There is of course, Benjamin Pierce's delightfully slim book on the topic which is as close to a gentle introduction as one can come.
Could it just be that people just have a hard time understanding monads? If so, what are the prospects of mass adoption? Or making Just(something) out of Nothing am I?
By now you realize that if monads were a stock, I’d be shorting it. I’m going to go get myself in a huge amount of trouble now, just as I did when I took a hideously pragmatic tack on continuations some years ago.
The most important practical contribution of monads in programming is, I believe, the fact that they provide a mechanism to interface pure functional programming to the impure dysfunctional world.
The thing is, you don’t really need them for that. Just use actors. Purely functional actors can interact with the stateful world, and this has been known since before Haskell was even conceived.
Tangent: Before you crucify me for being so narrow minded, pray consider the mitigating circumstance that I have used the words "practical" and "pure functional programming" in the same sentence. There are many who regard that, rather than my disrespectful attitude toward monads, as grounds for my institutionalization.
Some kind soul will doubtless point out to me how you can view actors as monads or some such. Be that as it may, it is beside the point. You can invent, build and most importantly, use, actors without ever mentioning monads. Carl Hewitt and his students did that decades ago.
Tangent: I have to say how amazing that is. Actors were first conceived by Hewitt in 1973(!), and Gul Agha's thesis has been around for 25 years. I firmly believe actors are the best answer to our concurrency problems, but that is for another post.
You can write an actor in a purely functional language, and have it send messages to file systems, databases or any other other stateful actor. Because the messages are sent asynchronously, you never see the answer in the same activation (aka turn) of the actor, so the fact that these actors are stateful and may give different answers to the same question at different times does not stain your precious snow white referential transparency with its vulgar impurity. This is pretty much what you do with a monad as well - you bury the stateful filth in a well marked shallow grave and whistle past it.
Of course, your troubles are by no means over. Actors or monads, the state is out there and you will have to reason about it somewhere. But better you reason about it in a well bounded shallow grave than in C.
What is important to me is that the notion of actors is intuitive (a pesky property of Dijkstra’s hated anthropomorphisms, like self) for many people. Yes, there are many varieties of actors and I have my preferences - but I’ll take any one of them over a sheaf of categories.
Speaking of those preferences, look at the E programming language (I often point at Mark Miller’s PhD thesis) or on AmbientTalk. I would like to have something similar in Newspeak (and in its hypothetical functional subsets, Avarice and Sloth).
Of course, there is much to be said for a programming culture that excludes anyone without at least the potential of a PhD. Indeed, if you can surround yourself with such people, you can do amazing things with just Java, C++ and Python (though they will still be more productive if they have the good taste to use something nicer). So perhaps the true value of monads lies in their exclusionary nature.
Nevertheless, there is more work to be done than some small, celebrated priesthood can or will do all by itself. There is real value in functional programming in some contexts, and it needs to integrate with stateful programming. Actors provide a model that is much easier for most humans to relate to.
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